Saturday, September 15, 2012

Hilarious Internet Support call

Funny comedian with internet help line....and so goddamn true it's freaky! Click the image!

Amazing comparison

I think most PC's can still be likened to a dead fish.....

Click the image to see the video!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Clever Name

You know you ♥ your Apple when....

You know you your Apple #1 when....your windows only part searches and replaces details on a template WTF???.....but on your MAC it does the required action for EVERYTHING on the template!

A bit of a giggle

There are three engineers driving a car across country, a chemical engineer, an electrical engineer and a software engineer from Microsoft.
The car breaks down out in the middle of the desert. They start arguing about what is wrong with the car and how to fix it.
The chemical engineer says, "maybe the fuel solidified somewhere in the engine, let's flush it and see if that works".
The electrical engineer says "no, no, no, it's obviously a short in the wiring because the air conditioner wasn't working".
Then the software engineer says "why don't we close the windows, open them again and see if it starts?"

Wipe with a Smile!

I could easily have used this today

This says it all really!

Thanks Bernie - this made me laugh and spurred me into creating our blog!!!